Nov 3, 2020 | Analysis
What motivates investors to choose sustainable real estate and what are some of the challenges to encouraging greener buildings through investment? In 2018, buildings accounted for 3,101 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) [1] of final energy consumption globally;...
Nov 6, 2019 | Analysis
It is not without irony that the green bond market was born in the midst of the global financial crisis of 2008, a liquidity-driven crisis culminating in a credit crunch and worldwide recession. General concerns about bond liquidity have persisted ever since....
Jul 15, 2019 | Analysis
Subsequent to the 2008 financial crisis the global economic recovery has been one of the longest in recent history – in part due to the depth of the downturn and (by historical standards) the low growth seen in the recovery phase. The economic cycle is now seen...
Apr 22, 2019 | Analysis
Affirmative Investment Management partnered with South Pole to produce this case study, Assessing Physical Risks of Green Bonds, as part of our continued commitment to pioneering best practice in green bond verification, impact measurement and reporting. This physical...
Oct 1, 2018 | Analysis
Estimating the impact of green investment in terms of greenhouse gases emissions avoided is important in the effort to curb climate change. In accordance with the 2016 UN COP 21 Paris Agreement ratified by 139 countries[1] to keep global warming to below 2oC we must...