Affirmative Investment Management

Received Morningstar ESG Level of Leader*

Net Zero Asset Managers initiative

Read our TCFD report

Received Morningstar ESG Level of Leader*

Net Zero Asset Managers initiative

Read our TCFD report
About Us
At Affirmative Investment Management, we mobilise mainstream capital to address the major challenges the world faces. We manage fixed income portfolios that generate positive environmental and social impact, without compromising financial returns.
What makes us different?
We have a broader mission than traditional asset managers. We invest for impact. We have an experienced team, which is solely focused on investing in, and expanding, the impact bond market with a rigorous approach to building impact bond portfolios and generating returns.
AIM in numbers
year of launch
in assets under management¹
projects supported by impact bonds in our portfolios²
UN Sustainable Development Goals supported²
female:male ratio across the firm¹
languages spoken¹
- As of 31 July 2022.
- As of 2021. Source: AIM 2022 Impact Reports.
Impact in action*

estimated clean energy generated
Enough electricity to power 342,444 UK households for a year

water treated each year
Enough to fill 123,676 Olympic swimming pools

green buildings by floor area
Equal to 10 times the floor area of the O2 Arena in London

clean energy capacity installed
Equal to 1.6 times the solar capacity added in the UK in 2021

Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (WACI)
AIM flagship fund WACI 54% lower than benchmark**

potential avoided emissions per US$1m per annum
This equates to a 54% GHG emission saving

projects eligible for net zero analysis considered aligned or aligning with a net zero-by-2050 trajectory (for which data was available)

children immunised

engagements with issuers

of AIM’s portfolios covered in our Impact Reports

of AIM’s portfolios subject to TCFD-aligned WACI assessment

of AIM’s portfolios covered in avoided GHG emissions analysis
*All data aggregated accross all AIM portolios for the year 2021. Source: AIM 2022 Impact Reports.
**Representative account is LO Funds – Global Climate Bond and Bloomberg Global Aggregate. TCFD WACI covers scope 1 and 2 emissions.
How we think
We are committed to innovative research in impact investing. Here is our latest thinking.
Featured Insight
Annual impact bond market review
In our market review we take a deep dive into the evolution of the impact bond market this year, and our thoughts on the perceived ‘greenium’. As regulation around sustainability continues to increase globally we also provide an overview of the key developments we are seeing across Australia, Europe, Japan and the UK.